Forums - Shuma-Gorath HC Show all 14 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Shuma-Gorath HC ( Posted by XxNemesisxX on 05:01:2001 05:14 AM: After you perform the down to back + l or h K, how do you do the supers? I'm having trouble with them. Someone please help out. Thanks. Posted by Visaniti on 05:01:2001 05:33 AM: Shuma growth sucks Posted by jedirobb on 05:01:2001 05:36 AM: shuma's supers? he has (2): the crystal smash qcf + kk (requires one level of super) (this is probably the one you are looking for to link with the kicks) chaos dimension qcf + PP - then touch the other character with a hard punch or kick (requires level 3 super) if you want nice combo - light up chaos dimension.. launch them into an air combo - finish it with the will hit the ground before them - tap the kick,kick - then light up the crystal smash there are combos videos out there with this on it as well i believe = ) Posted by XxNemesisxX on 05:01:2001 05:41 AM: Hey thanks. But that wasn't what I was looking for. If you go to the main page and click on MvC2 under Game Data, go to characters and click on Shuma Gorath. He has 7 HC or something. I was trying to do them in training mode today and I couldn't do them. Posted by jedirobb on 05:01:2001 05:52 AM: hc - hyper combos (supers) ? Posted by Ninja Pea on 05:01:2001 05:54 AM: Thats a bug, they have someone elses HC there. Oh and Shuma owns you for free. Posted by XxNemesisxX on 05:01:2001 05:57 AM: Yeah, Hyper Combo (HC) is a super. Ninja Pea - thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering what the hell was going on. And Shuma owns me for free? Haha! He's not bad. Posted by jedirobb on 05:01:2001 05:57 AM: yes he does - shuma is mighty combo character... and a throw that just cant be beat - nothing better than hurting someone & getting a lil life in return..course that would mean that you actually had to hit me and do damage.... but we can pretend... riight... = ) thats it = ) Posted by on 05:01:2001 05:59 AM: Shuma does NOT suck! He's part of one of my best teams. The Chaos Dimension owns you all! Posted by DrunkinB on 05:01:2001 06:06 AM: "Welcome to my Dimension!" Posted by on 05:01:2001 07:03 AM: 3 reasons why my team (Shuma/Hulk/Doom) should be feared...and why Shuma itself should be feared if teamed up with Doom/Hulk: 1)The team itself builds up levels quickly...all in favor of the Chaos Dimension, which can be nailed in mid air after someone gets rammed by Hulk's G. Charge assist OR hit by floating debris from Doom's Molecular Shield assist. There is NO escape! You WILL get hit by either assist sooner or later. 2)While in CD mode, I pin opponents in the corner with Doom's Molecular Shield assist, forcing them to block...and after recieving the chip damage, I rush in and grab you with the CD. HA! 3)Shuma's Mystic Smash assist is ideal for drawing them into Doom's Rising Spehere or Hulk's Gamma Crush...and if I canceled them into each other, that's even better. I also have corner trap setups with either Doom/Hulk or Shuma/Doom. Posted by jedirobb on 05:01:2001 02:33 PM: ummm - we never said shuma sucked... we were talking about how good he is... so it's ok... i lika shuma you lika shuma we all lika shuma = ) Posted by on 05:01:2001 08:13 PM: Visaniti said Shuma I was telling him why he doesn't. Posted by jedirobb on 05:02:2001 08:18 PM: my bad.. Visaniti needs to die then... sorry.. = ) All times are GMT. The time now is 09:43 PM. Show all 14 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.